Learning and discovering

So for some time I have been saying to myself that I have wanted to learn after effects. I used to mess around with it at college a little. Mainly to render out my 3D projects I had created in Maya. But I wanted to get down with all after effects can do as a program on its own.

Well as part of a professional and creative promise to myself I have said whenever I get any downtime I will learn something. So I signed up to Lynda and began to teach myself bit by bit. Now what I am showcasing here Is probably very basic to the regular after effects user but for me this is a massive step and I hope to build on it slowly and hopefully one day add after effects to my skill set and produce work professionally with the tool but for now I am enjoying exploring the program at my own pace and minus a brief 🙂

The first is a simple logo ident for my website:

Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 10.48.43

The next is a simple lyric video using a David Bowie track and a video I downloaded from here

Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 10.49.16

Another day, another (crap) logo

How is this possible??? I don’t actually understand how this is happening but two major brands have produced the worst logos ever! Okay i agree that the Gap logo is probably the worst but myspace def comes a close second! Really i am no logo designer but i know good design and looking at this i don’t get it, its as if they just got lazy. I mean i am all up for the minimalist look but this is going too far don’t you think?

Mind the Gap

So this is what it’s come to, another one to add to the helvetica pile. Gap has re branded from there white text on blue square to helvetica with a (power point looking) blue square!

To me this looks awful it really does, I don’t understand how they can go from their classic image that everyone knows and recognises to this business/computer programming looking logo. What do you think??

Must have…

Anyone who reads my blog will know I do like Edie so when I saw this I had to post!

The artist Gabriel Moreno has a great website, is an excellent artist and you can purchase a lot of his work online. I do wish I am in possession of something like this one day as it is truly magnificent!

Check out his website here
Check out the other Edie prints in his online shop here